Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Alternative Baby Registry Ideas

Get ideas for how you can have more support and less stuff when it comes to postpartum. Besides specific ideas, there are also links to alternative registry platforms you can use.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Rh Factor and Pregnancy

Rh factor is a protein found on the surface of red blood cells in most people. Those with this protein have an Rh+ blood type. Around 15% of people do not have this protein and are considered Rh-. While this normally isn’t an issue, it can have an effect during pregnancy. Read on to learn more about Rh incompatibility, Rh sensitization, and treatment options.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Five Things I Learned From Miscarriage

I’ve experienced two miscarriages. In honor of October being Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, I share five things I’ve learned from my two difficult experiences in this post.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Clothing to Fit Your Budget and Your Bump

Finding budget-friendly maternity clothing isn’t always easy. But, in this post, I have ten tips and ideas for saving money, using what’s already in your closet, and extending the use of clothing you do need to purchase.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

What Tetris Can Teach Us

When playing Tetris, you don’t have control over which shape will fall next. And you can’t predict which shapes you’ll get and when throughout the game. Read on to find out more about what Tetris can teach us about releasing control and embracing unpredictability for birth.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Count Those Kicks!

Learn about kick counting, which is a powerful and effective tool to monitor fetal well-being and reduce the risk of stillbirth if used regularly. It’s also a great way to slow down and connect with your baby each day.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Nuanced Over Dualistic Thinking for Birth and Beyond

The pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenting journey involves many decisions along the way. The journey is too complex for dualistic, binary thinking. Embracing nuance can help you navigate the complexities of birth and beyond.

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