Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

The Moon and Matrescence

Both constant and ever-changing, the moon is symbolic of the changes we go through during matrescence, or the process of becoming a mother or parent. Learn more about incorporating some moon magic into your life!

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Birth Triptych: A Journey in Three Parts

Just as a triptych connects three pieces of art into one cohesive display, birth can be explored as a journey in three parts: preparation, navigation, and reflection. Each part comes together to form the full picture of a transformative experience.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Infant Feeding Info and Resources

This post contains the newest breastfeeding guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics, reasons why someone might want or need to choose a different option for infant feeding, a list of helpful resources, and more.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Clearing the Path: Benefits of Proactive Prep for Birth and Beyond

Metaphorically, and in the context of birth and beyond, “clearing the path” means taking proactive steps during pregnancy (or even before) to identify and manage potential obstacles and challenges along the route that you plan to take. This can make your birth and postpartum journey smoother and more straightforward.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Matrescence: A Turbulent Transformation

Becoming a parent is a major life shift. It’s a developmental stage in life, similar to adolescence. In this post, we explore a word, called matrescence, that describes this turbulent and transformative time.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Politics and Period Tracking

This blog post gets political about period tracking. Learn about how your personal data online could be problematic in this post-Roe era.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Cesarean

Learn five ways to reduce your risk of cesarean. This post also discusses vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) and adding cesarean-specific decisions to your birth plan.

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