Shifting the Zeitgeist: Challenging the Status Quo in Maternity Care

According to Merriam-Webster, “zeitgeist” is the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era. It combines two German words: zeit (“time”) and geist (“spirit” or “ghost”).

When it comes to maternity care, the “spirit” of this era is characterized by some of the following:

But there is an ever-growing push for change, and birth workers are leading the effort to shift the zeitgeist.

Community-Based Midwives and Doulas of Color

Community-based midwives and doulas of color are at the forefront, improving outcomes through their leadership and efforts to fill gaps within the maternity care system. 

🔗 They are key to addressing the U.S. Maternal Health Care Crisis.

Frustratingly, they often experience resistance by the very system that is causing harm to the pregnant and birthing people in their communities. Here’s just one example:

Dr. Stephanie Mitchell, DNP, CNM, CPM is working to expand access to birthing centers in the state of Alabama, which has some of the worst maternal and infant health outcomes in the United States. Midwifery care and birth centers have been shown to approve outcomes, yet the Alabama Department of Public Health is standing directly in the way of access to these options.

Those continuing to stand in the way of community-based models of care are causing direct harm to marginalized communities. Because these innovative models do work.

Like, midwife Jennie Joseph’s The JJ Way®, which has reduced disparities in health outcomes in her community.

And there are many others. Here’s just a few:

Others Leading This  Shift

There are many others doing important work in many different ways. Here’s my incomplete list:

There are many more. Who would you add to this list?

I wrote another blog post on clearing the path and ways you can work to remove some of the obstacles that could get in the way of a smoother birth journey. The people I listed above are also working to clear the path. They are working to move some of those immovable and more systemic barriers that you can’t move on your own. Because of them, you are not alone in your efforts.

Defining the Spirit of the Next Era in Birth

When I look ahead to what maternity care could look like in the future, there are three main themes that I hope will define the next era in birth: equity, autonomy, and access.


Reducing disparities in health outcomes is part of a much bigger fight against systemic racism. What if all birthing and postpartum people were truly safe and supported?


While we seem to be going in the wrong direction currently, bodily autonomy is critical for all people. The right to make decisions about what happens to your body is a fundamental human right. What if people were actually trusted to embody this most basic right?


Right now, access to options is unnecessarily limited by a variety of factors. What is these barriers didn’t exist and people truly had freedom of choice?

Navigating our imperfect maternity care system isn’t easy. A great starting point is gaining insight on how you might want to approach the labor and birth process. I have a quiz that can help you with this. Click the button below to discover and explore your Birth Journey Archetype.


Birth Triptych: A Journey in Three Parts


Infant Feeding Info and Resources