Exposures and Other Hazards

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Exposure to harmful chemicals and other hazards can negatively impact your pregnancy and your developing baby. Here are a few examples:

  • Exposure to high temperatures (outdoors/ tanning beds/ saunas/ hot tubs/ hot yoga)

  • Extreme cold

  • Certain cleaning products

  • Lead

  • Mold

  • Paint

  • Cat litter and gardening (toxoplasmosis caused by a parasite in cat feces)

  • Pets

  • Pesticides

  • Secondhand smoke

  • Retinoids in skin care products

  • Heavy lifting

  • Ionizing radiation

  • Certain viruses

  • Amusement park rides

  • Loud noise

  • Stress

This list isn’t exhaustive. It can feel overwhelming trying to figure out what’s concerning and what’s not. So, here are some steps you can take to learn more:

  • Explore the additional resources on this topic embedded below ⬇️. Make sure to check out the fact sheets on the MotherToBaby website.

  • If you have concerns about exposures at work, refer to the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) that should be readily available for you to access at your workplace. SDS provide information about specific chemicals used, like how to store and handle them properly. Most do not provide specific information on reproductive risks, though.

  • Contact your care provider if you have any specific questions or concerns. You can call or send a message even if you haven’t had your first prenatal appointment yet.

  • MotherToBaby offers free consultations via phone, text, email, and live chat. Get your questions answered and concerns addressed by a knowledgeable specialist. Click here to find out more.

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Make a Plan

Once you’ve identified any exposures or hazards, you need to make a plan. This could include complete avoidance, limiting exposure, or taking specific precautions. It will depend on the specific hazard or exposure.

This might mean you need specific accommodations at work, which is why it can be beneficial to let your boss know you’re pregnant sooner rather than later. Check out the resource below for ideas on how to talk to your employer, as well as for information on your rights.

🔗 What You Should Know About the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act | U.S. EEOC

Additional Resources to Explore

Exposures and other hazards is one of the health and safety topics listed in my To-Do Lists by Trimester spreadsheet. You can find it in my toolkit, called Proactive Pregnancy: Early Essentials for Expectant Parents toolkit. Click the button below to learn more!


Exercise in Pregnancy


Skin Changes in Pregnancy