Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Embracing Your Role as Decision-Maker

You are the ultimate decision-maker when it comes to your body, pregnancy, birth, and baby. This is such an important concept to understand. With that established, this post also covers how I like to structure the decision-making process into four phases: discover, discuss, decide, and document.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Childbirth: Past, Present, and Future

Birth in the United States today has been influenced by so many factors. Learn about a few of them, as well as what could be improved for the future.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Nourished: Understanding Essential Nutrients

Eating well is beneficial for everyone, but it isn’t always easy or top of mind. Trying to conceive, pregnancy, and body feeding can be very motivating reasons to focus on nutrition and nourishing your body. Check out this post to learn more about nutrition and how to ensure you’re getting the essential nutrients you need each day.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Ten Creative Ways to Document Your Pregnancy Journey

Have you considered documenting your pregnancy? Read on to find out why you should and discover ten creative ideas for how to do it. From journaling to making art to documenting nature walks, there are ideas in this post for everyone!

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Safe and Sound: A Childproofing Checklist

Are you expecting a baby? While not everything has to be tackled all at once, it’s never too early to start thinking about household safety. From installing smoke alarms to anchoring furniture to preparing your pets, this post will help you prepare your house for your baby’s arrival.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Safe, Healthy, and Equitable Relationships

This post has some ideas for discussions you can have with your partner prior to and during pregnancy. I also talk about some important truths when it comes to household equity.

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Brookelyn Rambadt Brookelyn Rambadt

Exercise in Pregnancy

Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. Exercise can help you adjust to these changes and avoid pain and dysfunction. But it’s important to understand which exercises are safe and which ones should be avoided. You’ll also want to be aware of symptoms that would indicate it’s time to stop exercising and contact your care provider.

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